In vitro GROWTH INHIBITION OF Fusarium oxysporum SCHLTDL., WITH Argemone ochroleuca SWEET (PAPAVERACEAE).


  • Rosa Adriana Juárez-García
  • Diana Sanzón-Gómez
  • Luis Felipe Ramírez-Santoyo
  • Jorge Eric Ruiz-Nieto
  • Jesús Hernández-Ruíz


strawberry disease, vegetal extract, chicalote


The fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl. (Ascomycetes) causes strawberry diseases. Synthetic
fungicides are primarily used for their control; however, these fungicides have a negative impacts on the environment. An alternative control strategy is the use of antifungal compounds of botanical origin. The objective of this study was to evaluate extracts of Argemone ochroleuca
Sweet (Papaveraceae) on F. oxysporum viability under in vitro conditions. Strawberry plants with characteristic foliar disease symptoms were collected, the isolated fungi were purified and characterized both morphologically and molecularly. Growth inhibition was evaluated
using three concentrations of the extract (13, 23, and 31%). The isolates were identified as F. oxysporum. Their growth inhibition was by 66% on the ninth day using 13% of the extract,
whereas the 23 and 31% concentrations inhibited the growth of F. oxysporum entirely on the
third day of evaluation.


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