fraction, mortalidad, áfidos, GC-MS, bioactividad, compuestosAbstract
The sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari Zehntner (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is one of the main insect
pests of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L. Moench (Poaceae), in Mexico. The actual population management for this pest is based on synthetic pesticide applications, but new control strategies are focused on plant extracts. For this reason, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the contact insecticidal
effect of a fraction of ethyl acetate from stems of Serjania schiedeana (Sapindaceae), against adult apterous M. sacchari under laboratory conditions. The results showed that the S. schiedeana extract achieved an aphid mortality of 78% at 10,000 ppm in 72 h, the positive control (imidacloprid), of 100% in 24 h, and the negative control (Tween® 20), of 4% in 72 h. Gas-mass chromatography
(GC-MS) analysis of the ethyl acetate fraction of S. schiedeana identified 12 compounds, from which methyl palmitate, a common plant-derived fatty acid ester, was predominant (38.66%). The ethyl acetate fraction of S. schiedeana had an important insecticidal activity and could be considered as an alternative for the control of M. sacchari.
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