Cimarron peach, endemism, stratification, imbibition, semiarid zonesAbstract
Prunus cercocarpifolia Villarreal (Rosaceae) is an endemic shrub species restricted to the Sierra Zapalinamé in southeastern Coahuila, Mexico. It is a refuge and food source for native fauna, but their populations have been affected by human activities. In this study, we evaluated 11
pregerminative treatments in seeds of this species. These treatments consisted of the imbibition in water and stratification at different times and temperatures. The treated seeds were sown, and we assessed the percentage of germinated, dark, and non-germinated seeds, as well as the proportion of normal and abnormal seedlings. The seed imbibition with endocarp for 48 h at 30°C reached the highest germination percentage (89%), with all seeds being germinated, and 58% of normal seedlings produced. With the stratification for 8 days at 5°C, all seeds were germinated and a 64% of normal seedlings was achieved. Implementing these treatments on nursery production can contribute to the conservation of this endemic species of northeastern Mexico.
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