Zea mays L., nitrogen, phosphorus, grain yieldAbstract
Corn is important as a basic grain, as it is the main food source for people in Mexico. There is a great diversity of agroecological regions in Guerrero, where farmers plant under irrigation
and temporary conditions. In rural communities, corn is sown mainly by hand, and nitrogen is usually applied as a fertilizer in two phenological stages of the crop. The objective of this study was to know the content of protein and the percentage of two essential amino acids in corn when applying nitrogen and phosphorus in different doses to three corn varieties of this region. The experiment was carried out in Iguala and Apaxtla,
Guerrero, with an experimental design of complete blocks at random with three repetitions in a factorial arrangement. The experimental unit was made up of four five-meter-
long furrows with 0.81 m between each of them. For the fertilization, nitrogen and phosphorus were used as factors. The yield of grain, the percentage of protein, tryptophan, and lysine were estimated. The results indicated that the treatments exhibited a significant effect on the four variables measured in the genotypes.
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