
  • Ignacio Mejía-Haro Instituto Tecnológico El Llano
  • Andrea A. García-Sánchez Instituto Tecnológico El Llano
  • Jose Manuel Martínez-Mireles Instituto Tecnológico El Llano
  • Carlos F. Aréchiga-Flores Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas
  • Jose M. Silva-Ramos Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas
  • Mauricio Ramos-Dávila Instituto Tecnologico El Llano


Ganancia de peso


The objective of the study was to evaluate the lamb performance and products of ruminal fermentation of lamb diets in a trial that consisted of 18 male lambs in fattening distributed randomly in each of three treatment diets containing different concentration of ground mesquite pods (VMM): 0% VMM (T1); 15% VMM (T2), and 30% VMM (T3). The nutritional composition of VMM and diets was determined. Feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion were measured. In rumen, VFA`s and N-NH3 were evaluated. Weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion were similar (p> 0.05) among treatments, and the production of VFAs and N-NH3 were also similar among treatments (p> 0.05). The mesquite pods provide an adequate nutritional content to be used in finishing lamb diets without affecting the performance when used in 15 or 30%.

Key words: Sheep, Growth performance, Rumen.


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