Temporary Immersion System, Massive MicropropagationAbstract
With the purpose of developing a protocol for the massive reproduction of microcorms of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus Hort. cv Amsterdam) in a temporary immersion bioreactor (BIT®), the effect of different immersion frequencies (4, 8 and 12 h) and six variants of the volume of culture medium (27.7, 33.3, 41.6, 55.5, 83.3, 166.6 mL, per explant) was determined. In each case, a completely randomized experimental design was used with four repetitions per treatment. After 110 days of incubation, the number of shoots per propagule, shoot length, number of roots, root length, number, diameter and weight of microcorms was counted. The results showed that with the immersion frequency every 4 hours and with 55.6 mL of culture medium per explant, 34.8 microcorms per explant were obtained as the best result.
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