Reguladores de crecimiento, calidad, colorAbstract
In order to evaluate the effect of the application of growth regulators on poinsettia quality, two poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzsch) varieties with red bracts, ‘Freedom red’ and ‘Prestige red’, were cultivated. They were grown in 15-cm pots containing a mixed media
of leaf land, tezontle, coconut fiber, and agrolite (60:15:15:10 v/v). Aspersion of benzyladenine (BA) or BA + gibberellic acid (AG?), was conducted when 60% of bracts were colored, while some other poinsettias were cultivated without applying a plant growth regulator. Plants with BA or BA+AG?, aspersion showed between a 5.7 and 13.3% increase in height, and the bract area increased by 14.8 and 30.8% compared with control plants. Leaf area and color components
were not affected by plant growth regulators. BA and BA+AG? improve the final quality of the poinsettia varieties evaluated.
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