
  • José Isaac Figueroa Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Luis Jesús Palma-Castillo Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Selene Ramos-Ortiz Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Ana Mabel Martínez Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Samuel Pineda Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Juan Manuel Chavarrieta-Yáñez Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae, beetles, identification tool, lemon orchards, taxonomy


The Apatzingán Valley, in the state of Michoacán, is the main citrus-producing area nationwide. In this region, the presence of five species of branch borer insects has been recorded in Mexican lemon, Persian lemon, and grapefruit orchards. This paper reports the first illustrated taxonomic key of these five species of borer insects, which was elaborated with easily recognizable characters. The key was constructed from the analysis of 157 adults recovered from exhaustive monitoring in several citrus orchards in the Apatzingán Valley region between August/2018-February/2019 and May/2019-March/2020. Of the total, 22 adults corresponded to Amphicerus cornutus (Bostrichidae), 13 to Dendrobias mandibularis, 57 to Eutrichillus comus, 48 to Psyrassa cylindricollis, and 17 to Rhopalophora cupricollis (Cerambycidae). The primary users of this identification tool will be the technical staff in charge of the health of the orchards.


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Composición fotográfica de Dendrobias mandibularis, un cerambícido plaga en cítricos en Michoacán, México. Fotografía cortesía de José Isaac Figueroa.





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